A smarter way to engage with your audience

Highest video commercial viewer engagement

97% video ad completion rate, 15x greater than YouTube

Reach customers in 180+ countries

Why bitgab Ads?

bitgab is a social network for learning languages that is used by thousands of students, teachers and schools around the world. Advertising on bitgab provides marketers with the highest audience engagement for their video commercials. On platforms like YouTube or Spotify, 65% of people skip video ads. On bitgab the skip rate is less than 1%. Our users watch videos from start to finish in order to complete a related language-learning activity.

Highest Engagement

15x higher engagement than Youtube or Spotify Ads

97% Watch Time

Our users will watch your whole video in order to complete a related activity

Direct Interaction

They'll learn about your product and discuss it among themselves using speaking prompts based on your campaign

How does it work?

Provide us with a campaign video

No more 15 or 30 second video commercials. Provide us with your video of up to 5 minutes in length. Our users will watch it and they'll have access to a link to your website.

You may use an existing video you've already published on YouTube, your website, etc. It can be a commercial, descriptional or educational video about your product.

We create an activity and discussion about your product

Our highly experienced editor team will create a language learning activity with your commercial video. It will include comprehension questions, vocabulary and discussion topics about your product.

Your activity will be published in our timeline and it'll reach all of our students and teachers around the world.

Content promotion

We'll promote your activity in every channel we have. It'll be posted in our timeline as well as shared in our social media channels and weekly newsletters.

Monitor insights in real-time

Track impressions, user engagement, video views, activity completions and more on your insight dashboard.

We will also send a detailed analytics report to your inbox every month.


completion rate

8 min

average time
spent on page


using bitgab daily


countries reached

Ads Samples

Pricing Plan

Basic Plan



Get your name out there

1 learning activity about your campaign

Backlink to your site with personalized message

Pinned to top of timeline every 10 days

Monthly analytics report sent to your inbox

Remains published for the duration of your subscription

No contract. Cancel anytime.

Standard Plan



Greater exposure for your campaign

2 learning activities about your campaign

Backlink to your site with personalized message

Pinned to top of timeline every 5 days

Promoted on Social Media

Monthly analytics report sent to your inbox

Remains published for the duration of your subscription

No contract. Cancel anytime.

Premium Plan



Get the highest exposure for your campaign

5 learning activities about your campaign

Backlink to your site with personalized message

Pinned to top of timeline every day

Enhanced promotion with boosted ads on Social Media

Featured in our Newsletter

Monthly analytics report sent to your inbox

Remains published for the duration of your subscription

No contract. Cancel anytime.

Reach your audience in a smarter way

Give us your campaign and we'll do the rest — 100% satisfaction guaranteed