Barbie's new body

Kelly Ross

Gramática — Nivel Intermedio
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Completa cada frase con la palabra que se muestra para que la segunda oración tenga el mismo significado que la primera

  1. This week Barbie is gracing the cover of Time magazine

    appears (2 words)

    This week Barbie the cover of Time magazine

  2. Barbie will have three different body types

    debuting (2 words)

    Barbie will three different body types

  3. They didn't do this out of the goodness of their hearts

    kind (2 words)

    They didn't do this to

  4. They are trying to recuperate in a market that has passed them by

    bounce (2 words)

    They are trying to in a market that has passed them by

  5. This is a positive move

    right (3 words)

    This is a move direction

  6. The fact that it has taken them this long is somewhat pathetic

    kind (2 words)

    The fact that it has taken them this long is pathetic


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. What do you think about Barbie having new body types?

  2. Do you think the new dolls will sell as well as the old dolls?

  3. Do you think the shapes of dolls affect little girls' self esteems?

  4. What are some examples of unrealistic body images seen in media or in society?

    Kelly Ross

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