What If a Magnitude 10 Earthquake Shakes The Planet?

Kelly Ross

Gramática — Nivel Intermedio
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  1. California   by a big earthquake

  2. The earthquake   along the southern section of the San Andreas fault line

  3. California   added to the list of places around the globe that have experienced earthquakes recently

  4. When the earthquake happens along the fault line in the near future, it   long overdue

  5. When the earthquake hits, it   near Los Angeles and its suburbs

  6. Scientists agree that when the earthquake occurs,   at least an at least an 8.0 magnitude


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Describe your experience

  2. What natural disaster scares you the most? Why?

  3. If you were a resident of one of the affected areas, would you prepare for the upcoming quake? Why or why not?

    Kelly Ross

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