What is the polar vortex?

Roger Walter

Audición — Nivel Avanzado
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Mira el vídeo y responde a las preguntas

  1. The statement "No single weather episode can prove or disprove global climate change" is  

  2. Climate is described in terms of averages, variations and  

  3. In the warming world that we're experiencing, the Arctic is  

  4. The temperature difference between the Arctic and the mid-latitudes is  

  5. What happens when the polar vortex becomes "wavier"?


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. What is your opinion regarding global warming? Why?

  2. What kind of climate do you live in?

  3. Have you noticed any differences in climate over the years? What differences?

    Roger Walter

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