Seasonal Affective Disorder

Kelly Ross

Gramática — Nivel Avanzado
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Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is also known as 'winter blues' or 'seasonal depression'. It is a mood disorder that causes people to experience depressive symptoms in the winter or summer. Symptoms of SAD in the winter include over-sleeping, feeling drained of energy, and feeling depressed. In the summer, these symptoms may also be accompanied by heightened anxiety. Most people with SAD experience major depressive disorder and as many as 20% have bipolar disorder.

There are several theories behind the causes of SAD. Some believe that humans innately respond like many other species. Most animals diminish activity during the winter months in response to a reduction of food availability, the reduction of sunlight, and the difficulties of surviving in cold weather. Hibernation is an extreme example of this.

To help treat SAD, some use bright-light therapy. Many patients with SAD have a delay in their circadian rhythm and bright light treatment corrects these delays. Other treatments include physical exercise, an increase in vitamin D intake, and dawn simulators.
Fuente: Wikipedia
  1. SAD causes people to feel drained of energy

    worn (2 words)

    SAD causes people to feel

  2. It also causes people to feel sad

    dumps (4 words)

    It also causes people to feel

  3. In the summer, symptoms are accompanied by heightened anxiety

    hand (5 words)

    In the summer, symptoms heightened anxiety

  4. Most animals diminish their activity during the winter

    cut (3 words)

    Most animals their activity during the winter

  5. There are several theories behind the causes of SAD

    number (3 words)

    There are theories behind the causes of SAD


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Do you feel happier or sadder at the start of some seasons? Which ones?

  2. What is your favorite season? Why?

  3. What are some activities you like to do in each season?

  4. Does seasonal change affect your decision to live where you do? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

    Kelly Ross

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