The Herd Mentality


Gramática — Nivel Avanzado
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Completa cada frase con la palabra que se muestra para que la segunda oración tenga el mismo significado que la primera

  1. We all want to belong to a group

    fit (2 words)

  2. Those lions continue to eat the zebras

    carry (2 words)

    Those lions eating the zebras

  3. Individuals compensate for the deterioration of a family structure by creating alternate structures

    make (2 words)

    Individuals for the deterioration of a family structure by creating alternate structures

  4. When people want to feel safe, they create a group

    come (3 words)

    When people want to feel safe, they a group

  5. Then we wonder why they seem to have the ability to do so much bad stuff

    able (2 words)

    Then we wonder why they seem to to do so much bad stuff


Practica tus habilidades de escritura debatiendo las siguientes cuestiones

  1. Do you prefer doing things alone or in a group? Why?

  2. Are you happier being alone or in a group? Why?

  3. Why do you think it is so important for humans to feel a part of a group?

  4. Have you ever seen a group of people purposely exclude someone from their group? Explain the situation and how this made you feel


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