10 Things You Never Knew Existed


Grammar — Intermediate Level
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Complete the sentences below using the given word so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the original sentence

  1. Don't let broken or tangled iPhone wires get you angry

    best (3 words)

    Don't let broken or tangled iPhone wires get you

  2. The idea of flying cars has existed forever but is now becoming reality

    around (2 words)

    The idea of flying cars has forever but is now becoming reality

  3. One of the negatives about going to the beach is getting sand everywhere

    downside (2 words)

    One going to the beach is getting sand everywhere

  4. Instead of hearing the doorbell ring the same way all the time, the Piano Bell allows guests to be creative

    over (3 or 4 words)

    Instead of hearing the doorbell ring the same way , the Piano Bell allows guests to be creative

  5. To get the automatic lawn mower started, press the power button and watch it go to work

    turn (3 words)

    To get the automatic lawn mower started, and watch it go to work


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Which of the 10 inventions were you most impressed by? Why?

  2. Which of the 10 inventions do you think is (or are) a waste of money?

  3. Out of all the inventions you saw, which are the top 3 items you would buy? Why?


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    From English
    No translation