

Reading — Beginner Level
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Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, in Canadian folklore and American folklore, is an ape-like creature that lives in the forests of North America. A number of witnesses have videos, photographs, visual sightings, and casts of large footprints to prove it exists.

Mainstream scientists have historically discounted the existence of Bigfoot, considering it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal. People who have claimed to have seen Bigfoot describe it as a large, hairy, muscular, bipedal ape-like creature, roughly 6–9 feet (1.8–2.7 m), covered in hair described as black, dark brown, or dark reddish.

The enormous footprints for which the creature is named are claimed to be as large as 24 inches (60 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide. Some footprint casts have also contained claw marks, which scientists say it is likely that they came from known animals such as bears, which have five toes and claws.
Source: Wikipedia
  1. Where does Bigfoot live?

  2. Does science support that Bigfoot exists?

  3. How do they know Bigfoot has big feet?

  4. Many believe that Bigfoot is   .

  5. A word that can be used to describe Bigfoot is   .

  6. How many people are said to have seen Bigfoot?


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Do you believe that Bigfoot exists?

  2. Are there any local legends in your area?

  3. Why do you think people tell folktales?


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      • a type of animal (such as a chimpanzee or gorilla) that is closely related to monkeys and humans and that is covered in hair and has no tail or a very short tail
      • a 2-footed animal
      • a container that is used to give its form or shape to something that is poured or pressed into it
      • a body part of an animal (such as a lobster or crab) that is used for gripping and holding things
      • (discounted) to think of (something) as having little importance or value
      • traditional customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings
      • an act that is meant to trick or deceive people
      • normal, conventional
      • very fat : fat in a way that is unhealthy
      • person who observes an event


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