Dongdaemun Market (Connectors)


Grammar — Beginner Level
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Dongdaemun Market opened in July 1905 whose name means "a neighborhood for learning politeness", so the market was originally called Baeugaejan which means market for learning. It was also called Gwangjang Market as a company of the same name was set up as market management.

The market was set in a closed structure    the Korean War, when it was completely destroyed. It was slowly rebuilt over the years and, in 1959, a building was constructed    the market was revived. In 1998 and 1999, large shopping malls such as Geopyeong Freya, Migliore, and Doosan Tower were built in the district, and the market was renovated with a modern atmosphere in the traditional market.

The market sells all types of goods    notable are silks and fabric, clothes, shoes and leather goods, sporting goods, plumbing and electronics, office supplies, fortune tellers, toys and food areas specialising in Korean cuisine. It also has many pet shops.

Huge shopping malls in Section 1 basically sell wholesale and retail goods,    mostly deal with general customers and tourists at retail prices. They have facilities like money exchanges    information desks with English-speaking staff.

Source: Wikipedia


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Do you like shopping?

  2. Where do you normally go shopping? How often?

  3. What do you usually look for when shopping?


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