Elie Wiesel

Steve Love

Grammar — Intermediate Level
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Complete the sentences below using the given word so that the new sentence has the same meaning as the original sentence

  1. Elie Wiesel’s year of birth was 1928

    born (2 words)

    Ellie Wiesel on 1928

  2. Much of his family died in a concentration camp during World War II

    killed (2 words)

    Much of his family in a concentration camp during World War II

  3. Wiesel left for Paris where he studied and worked as a journalist

    moved (2 words)

    Wiesel Paris where he studied and worked as a journalist

  4. 'Night' is a memoir of his experiences in the concentration camp

    speaks (2 words)

    'Night' is a memoir that his experiences in the concentration camp

  5. In 1986, Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize

    awarded (2 words)

    In 1986, Wiesel the Nobel Peace Prize

  6. Even in his 80s, Wiesel promoted peace

    fought (2 words)

    Even in his 80s, Wiesel peace


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. What other Nobel Prizes do you know? Why did they win the award?

  2. What other famous people do you know that fought for peace? Talk a little bit about their life

  3. Have you read any books that described a sad personal story? Which? Describe briefly the story

    Steve Love

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    From English
    No translation