The Basics of Oil Painting


Listening — Intermediate Level
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Watch the video and answer the questions

  1. What is the advantage of oil paint among other paint?

  2. Which among the following colors does not belong to the five essential colors for oil painting?

  3. What does the video say on the toxicity of oil paint?

  4. What is the kind of oil did the the painter show in the video?

  5. What did the painter mention in the video about how you should paint?


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. Have you every had a chance to paint, even if it is not oil painting?

  2. Do you like drawing or painting? Why/Why not?

  3. Do you know well-known painters? If so, can you mention your two favorite artists?

  4. What do you think can the video do during this time?


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    From English
    No translation