What is Honey?


Listening — Intermediate Level
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Watch the video and answer the questions

  1. This sweet stuff is made from the nectar of   plants.

  2. It is stock piled inside the beehive to eat during times of   .

  3. It starts with honey bees   nectar.

  4. This nectar is   in the bees' extra stomach.

  5. The nectar mixes with enzymes that   its chemical composition.

  6. When the bee returns to the hive, it   the nectar to another bee.

  7. The bees repeat this process until the nectar is deposited in the honeycomb for   .

  8. The bees get to   again.

  9. Once most of water is gone, the bees   the honey up.

  10. The beeswax   the honey from air and water.


Practice your writing skills by discussing the questions below

  1. What makes honey sweet?

  2. Have you seen a honey comb? if yes, how does it look like?

  3. Do you like honey? What do you use if for?


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    From English
    No translation